My rain coat and boots have been coming in pretty handy lately.  It has rained for the last few days, quite constantly.  It has been pretty dreary, which is fine because then I don't feel so guilty about working so late :)
I got a new student today.  He was enrolled yesterday, so I knew he was coming, but I did not know when he was coming. He seemed to fit in well with the class, so we will see how it goes.  This morning was a great morning, but the afternoon was a little exhausting.  I am learning how to keep EVERY minute structured.  No free time for these kiddos... yet.  Hopefully, we will get to that point eventually.  So far, the kids aren't too pumped on my structure and rules.  Hopefully, they stop testing me soon and find their boundaries:)
Mara would not do well here because the kids keep telling me I talk to fast!  "Adii Teacher you talk toooo faaaaast.  Sloooow doooownnnnnn."  I am working on it....


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