Camping with Kids

It's not always easy getting out with kids and sometimes you forget crucial supplies like blankies and pacifiers. But the pain of packing up and getting kids motivated and ready is always worth it. Everyone gets to "unplug," help out, learn new skills, and appreciate God's amazing creation! (We have also been known to say that the best part of camping is coming home and sleeping in your own bed!) Last weekend we took a trip along Brett's trapping trail to camp overnight at Robbie and Tanya's cabin. It was a personal goal to drive Brett's whole trapping trail with the family, so it was fun to be able to check that off the list. We took our time on the first part (around 30 miles). Brett and Oren pulled traps, the kids explored a bit, the dog ran, and I drove slow ;) We got to Robbie's in the late afternoon, unpacked, did some chores, and played. The next morning after packing up we did the remaining part of Brett's trail (12 mile loop...