Spring Break Camp 2021

Wow this post had been in "edit mode" forEVER. This winter the boys had been begging to camp for months. Finally the weather and time lined up for us to go over Spring Break. We headed out to the end of Brett's trapline, just under 20 miles north of town. We have a double teepee style tent and have found out the hard way that we need to dig down to the ground in the winter time, as the stakes around the edge of the tent are crucial and need to be anchored into something solid. Before this trip we broke our snow scoop and the store was out of shovels, so Brett took time to turn a fuel drum into a snow scoop before we left. It certainly did its job! Without it we would've been going home that same night; there is no way we would've been able to get the area cleared. We started by just shoveling up to the sides, but then realized it would be easier to fill the sleds and pull them out. We had two of these "flat sleds" going a...