
Showing posts from January, 2022


 We have a short early season trapline out near town. There is spot on a side channel with an open water spot where we have been seeing a lot of otter sign. Since we were planning to set traps for otter we decided to set traps for everything else too.  Rabbit Snare I used to number traps to keep track of them, but it would get sloppy when I would set a new trap in between numbers. Then I would have a dilemma on what number for it to be. Last year the boys and I started naming traps. That worked significantly better.  These are our traps this year. Mickey Mouse. A dirt hole set in a cut bank that was first baited with a mouse. Appalachian Trail. A snare set on our walking path to check the traps. Waterslide. Snare for otter on a possible otter slide. Waterslide on steep bank Roots. A dirt hole set that is made in the roots of a spruce tree Lynx First Catch of the Year Flintstones. A dirt hole set made with a pile of rocks. Caught a Wolf Close to Town Outhouse. A foothold o...