
Showing posts from March, 2025

Round Trip to Trapping Camp

We went to camp to set/check a few traps and have some snacks. We also set up the wall tent. We had to put a rope between two trees for the ridge pole and chop some willows to clear out space for the tent. We staked out the tent by tyng rope to willows. It took for ever to get there and back. Marjaana's mukluks fell off many times! -ryker We went to the camp site and had snacks. It was a long trip. It was not light wen we came back. -Anya All Ready to Go! Marking his trap. a sled load Anya gets tired. Oren adding lure to his set. making a new set Marjaana enjoying mom's new camp chair. Her mukluk covers are made out of beaver fur that the boys caught last season. They are warm, but kept falling off. The boys set up the Arctic Oven over break. Now everything is ready for a quick weekend camp! Her mukluks look hilarious, but they are so toasty warm, which has always been a challenge for us with babies/toddlers. The cover comes off for more normal l...