Time is flying by so quickly!  The movie night with the kids went very well.  20 out of the 29 kids came, and it was fun to hang out with them outside of the school setting.  The team I was on won the mini basketball tournament last weekend.   I also went over to Tina's for caribou soup that her husband David made.  It was VERY good, except for the pieces of tongue stuck in there :)  I bolted before the Eskimo Ice cream came out--whale blubber and berries...Yum!

The flu is going around.  On Monday I only had eight kids--apparently, it is pretty violent.  The dividends are coming out soon, too, so all of the kids are telling me their plans for Anchorage and what they are going to spend their money on :)


  1. So, what movie did you watch with the kiddies?

  2. "The Bear" Totally old-school and they loved it. But there is a point in the movie that two bears go at it and one of the boys ran up to me, "Ms Kayla the next part is inappropriate" haha bless him! haha


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