Everyday Sights

Today in middle of class a fox wandered past the school and one of my very observant students saw it.  "Look! Fox!  Bad!"  (bad=sweet, awesome. . . )  In an instant all of the kids were at the window.
Here's a good quote for your book: I was running with the Middle School girls before practice today and one of the girls asked, "Where does the fat go when you run?" I asked her what she meant and she said, "Everyone always says fat goes away when you run, but where does it go?" 

Our road. . . . nicknamed Riverview Drive if we need a street address for UPS.  (We only have PO Box addresses, but everyone knows where everyone lives.  There is one family who does UPS for the village, but many websites that ship by UPS won't ship here anyway).
Snow-gos and Hondas..... the preferred modes of transportation.


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