Out of the Mouth of Babes

Kids say the funniest things:
I teach PE for the whole elementary, and I had the 1st and 2nd graders on Tuesday. I was doing the butterfly stretch with them and one girl piped up, "Um... Ms Kayla I think you should be careful. You're going to rip your pants!"
Kids in the same class always ask, "You still making baby?" "Yep." "Can I touch it?" hahaha at least they are starting to ask, I guess!
The sixth graders often ask, "Why can't you make your baby here instead of Michigan?"
A girl in my class was causing trouble all day. I took her aside and had a serious talk with her, as she walked back to her desk, she muttered, "Jeesh you're mean since you got pregnant!"

On another note-
We're definitely able to do a bit more exploring with our new snow machine. I took advantage of the beautiful, sunny evening and joined Brett to check his traps yesterday.

Brett's new toy.
P.S. Gas=$9/gallon

Tall trees-looks like the UP!

We haven't taken one of these in a while!

A definite woodsman.

The walking was still a bit tough-we kept sinking up to our waists!

Pictures never seem to do the landscape justice.

Lori and Alision walking to the "pit."


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