Feels Like Home to Me

Noatak River

Water Everywhere

Mom and Oren

Us and a Plane Full of Cargo

We made it back to Noatak on the 15th after a busy summer back in Michigan. I still don't know where to call home yet. We live in Noatak for most of the year and it definitely feels like home, but Michigan will always be home, home.
Kotz Airport

After a couple of long days of traveling we made it back to blue skies and beautiful 60 degree weather. Oren was really good for the whole entire trip. He cried for about ten minutes at the end of the flight from Anchorage to Kotzebue but that was it. He is definitely missing all of the attention that he was getting. He doesn't really like to get put down.
Missing Grandma Already

Trail to Noatak (You can barely see the trail markers)

I have been busy getting right back into the subsistence swing of things. There was a lot of rain here last week so the river was really high at the beginning of the week.
High Water

I have been out fishing everyday except Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday were very productive days. I hooked and landed quite a few fish. It's fun to get those first few fish. I was surprised to catch a few fresher fish in the side channels right next to town. Its pretty easy to see as soon as you cut into a fish if it is worth eating or not. At least I have been able to put a few fish away. I am looking forward to when we can cross to the main channel and start fishing that. There probably will be a lot more fresh fish there. Did I mention that we have a four wheeler this year? It makes getting around sooo much easier.
Kayla, Oren, New Honda (Everybody calls them Honda's no matter who actually makes it)

I go blueberry picking everyday. I started out picking in some pretty tough spots and it took me forever to actually get any berries. Now I have a good spot where I can go and get almost a half gallon of berries in about an hour.

Cape Krusenstern National Monument

Mountains between Kotzebue and Noatak

We have had quite a few visitors this week. Everybody wants to come and see baby Oren. It's comforting to come back to many people looking forward for us to be back.

It's nice to have some peace and quiet but its hard to say no to the little kids when they come knock on our door and ask to see or hold Oren.

One of Many Camo Outfits


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