Thought I'd Never See the Day

I thought I'd never see the day that my dad, Russ, would make it to Noatak.  He HATES flying, but sure enough yesterday at 9:30 am I drove to the airstrip on our 4 wheeler and my dad, Grandpa Phil, and Uncle Paul stepped off the plane onto the gravel.  I don't think I've ever seen Grandpa so excited.  He was laughing as he stepped off the plane.  I heard him say many times, "I'm in Alaska.  I can't believe it!"  Dad figures this flying thing ain't so bad after all.

Grandpa and Brett heading out to the river.  Doesn't he look excited?

Paul and Dad heading out.

Grandpa took a nap after they got all settled in and I took Paula and Dad down to the river.  They caught over 20 fish in about an hour and a half and were just in their glory.  With every fish they caught or snagged they were hootin' and hollerin'.  "Look at this one.  Oh my GOSH!"  

Of course Oren is enjoying his company. He's going to have some adjusting to do when they leave and he doesn't get all this attention again!


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