Gettin' Cold

Temperatures have been averaging in the 30's. At night it drops into the teens, and then gets close to 40 during the day. I have had to thaw out the wheel on our four wheeler every morning. The lakes are frozen over, but not thick enough to walk on yet. I sent a pair of skates up here this year, so I am looking forward to dusting those off. Out on the river ice is starting to form up. It sounds like a semi going by, just constant crashing and grinding. Everybody has their boats out of the water now.

I finally got to go out fishing this weekend. Holy Mackinaw, was I glad I went! Kayla had some of the other lady teachers over for coffee and snacks, so I decided to head out fishing. I have been a little nervous about going across because the back wheel on our four wheeler has been freezing up in the morning. I knew if I crossed the front wheels were going to freeze up too. I decided to find out how it would go. They almost froze up on me while I was out fishing. That would not have been good. Anyways, I went across to the spot through the willows by boat harbor. The trail isn't so scary anymore. Most of the leaves are off the trees, and you can actually see around you. I was planning on going out onto the riffle and fishing that. As I was driving out to that spot I was following the slough near there and saw a school of fish that I thought was whitefish. It is a good looking spot with deep, calm water with a lot of old salmon swimming around. I decided to snag a salmon to chum the spot. I was surprised when the first salmon I snagged took off on me and snapped my line before I could even react, and loosen my drag. Finally I managed to stick one. I cut it open and threw the eggs out there. I went back to snagging salmon to let the eggs soak for a little while. I figured now that its cold enough outside to store them I can try to get some more eggs to chum with come ice fishing time. A couple of salmon later I went over to check the eggs. The water was cloudy from trout picking eggs up off of the bottom. I realized that the fish that I had originally thought were whitefish were actually "salmeyek" or small trout. I quickly got a line out there and started catching. It was a little bit ridiculous. I caught fish after fish. Every once in a while a big one would come in from somewhere and scoop up a mouthful to make things interesting. Two of the trout were around 20 inches and the rest were anywhere from 10 to 16 inches. The sun is setting earlier and earlier now and dark was starting to creep up on me. I stayed out as long as I could but by quarter to nine it was dark, and I wasn't catching as many fish. I ended up with 31 trout in about an hour and a half.

Saturday I headed out again for a while. The trout were still there but there were a few other people out there too. Friday night they just stayed there eating eggs the whole time. On Saturday they would come in and out, which made it a little harder to get them. Also on Friday they were just hammering my egg fly, but on Saturday I had to flavor my fly with an egg to catch them. I got 7 on Saturday. George snagged a King Salmon too. We would see it from time to time and couldn't really figure what it was. After many tries George was able to get it. We looked at it for a second and decided it must be a king.

(I took some pictures on our camera but we don't have the cord to load them to the computer so I will post them when I can get them loaded)


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