Heat Wave

Oren Likes Pears

It has finally warmed up after the nearly month long cold snap. This whole week has been near 0 degrees during the days. Nights have been cool but after -40 for a month straight - 20 doesn't feel so bad. Finally I got to go out and go fishing this weekend. I have been chomping at the bit to get out and set some traps and go fishing too.

Oren Likes Books

Friday after work I threw my stuff together to go fishing and a few traps to set. We headed out to my fall time hotspot to try it through the ice. Unfortunately my new hand auger was not long enough to get through the ice there. I drilled all the way down to the elbow on my auger and didn't make it to water. I tried one more spot in that area and still couldn't make it to water. I gave up on that spot and went to where the ice was thinner.

Nice Fro

We were able to fish for about a half hour and got one trout each. When it started getting dark we went and set the trap and then headed home. It was a really nice night to be out. It was warm, calm, and sunny. The sun is really nice to see when it's clear out.

Fred Meyer, Amazon, and KitchenAid
(comment on the pants--it was Pajama Day at school!)

Saturday I finally got to go out and fish for the whole day. I got going about 10:30 and stayed out until 3:00 pm. It was about 10 below and crystal clear skies. A beautiful day to fish. The wind was a steady force the whole time I was fishing. It was chilly. I grinned and bared it. The first spot I caught a couple whitefish. It didn't seem like there was a whole lot happening, so I headed upriver to see if I could find more action and less wind. Herbert and Bunnick were fishing across from town, so I stopped and fished by them. I ended up getting about 6 trout and one more whitefish. By the time I got done I was cooold!

Oren Likes Trout Too


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