Colder Weather

Taking a Bath

Last week I was moping that it was 4o below. This whole week it has been 50 below. All week. No joke, no rounding up even, an honest to goodness, straight up 50 below. There is not much to do when its this cold. It is not windy at all and my cheeks were almost frozen between school and home. I was using a heat gun outside and I bent the cord a little bit and it cracked like it was dipped in liquid nitrogen. The NOAA website says its finally supposed to warm up this week. I won't believe it until I see it though. I boiled some water and threw it outside to see what happened. I thought that most of it would vaporize. About half of the water actually made it all the way to the ground as water. Some of it froze in midair and fell to the ground as ice. The rest of it made a sound like quietly ripping sheets as it vaporized into a cloud of steam.
Too Many Aana's

Kayla finally finished her Parkie that she has been working on... and then the thermometer rose 40 degrees. It is now only -10 outside. A heat wave.

"Amuking" Oren

All Done


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