Boat, Motor, and Bears

I finally got my boat and motor together. My motor arrived yesterday in one piece. I got to work right away getting it hooked up. It still needs some more work but it looks like it should be in action for most of the time that Russ and Phil are here. Now if only the weather would cooperate. The rain has mostly slowed down, but now it is cold.

Helping Out

There have been bears hanging around town all week. The river is too high for them to catch fish, and the berries are mostly over. They come into town for easy pickings.

 One Down

 Ready to Go

I haven't been out to fish in two weeks. The water level has been way too high to even think about it. Once it drops I'm thinking that it will be pretty good. On another note, the BLM surveyors were giving away AV gas, and I got a 100 gallons for free. I will probably have to mix it with regular gas, but 100 gallons of free gas is nice.

Oren Loves Cookie Dough


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