
Burbot Under the Ice

Oren and I went fishing on Saturday at the Pit. I caught a few trout, but the highlight of Oren's day was the Burbot under the clear ice. There were 5 or 6 groups of the fish. It seemed that the further we went down the river, the bigger the Burbot got. While I was going for trout Oren was exploring on the clear ice "looking for fossils." He started yelling that there were fish. I figured he was just seeing old, dead salmon through the ice, but my curiosity got the better of me and I went over. Sure enough there were Gobies and small Burbot scooting around in the 2 inches of water under the ice. Oren chased them around for a while. I gave up fishing for trout and started exploring with him. The farther we went down the river the bigger the Burbot got. The biggest one we saw must have been an easy two feet. I was really wishing that I had brought my ice spud to see if I could spear them after chipping a hole in the ice.

 Big One

 Big Group

 Little One

 Right There

 Oren's latest kick is dinosaurs and looking for fossils. I had to laugh when he struck the gold mine of "fossil" finding. He was playing outside the other day and came banging on the door saying, "Dad come check out all my fossils!" I went outside and sure enough he had about 20 random pieces of bone spread out on the porch. Our old neighbors had a dog that they would feed bones and scraps to. I guess those bones built up over the years and it made our front porch/steps area a "fossil" bonanza. He has had a blast collecting fossils the last week or so.

While Michigan got blasted with snow, we got rained on and all our snow melted. Back to driving the Honda again.

Our Snow Melted


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