It's Been a While (End of last year and some summer)

It is a lot harder to keep up with the blog when I'm teaching. I'll try to do a better job this year. Here are some pictures from the end of last year in Noatak and then our summer.

It took a while for there to be any amount of snow on the ground last winter, but once it came we got a lot. Made me wish for a little sportier machine to blast around on. I got stuck twice on my widetrak and both time were doozies. One of the times I was by myself and I thought I was going to have to start walking. 
 Ice Fishing


After school we went to Oahu for a week. We stayed on the North Shore. Didn't snorkel as much as I would have liked, but still went a few times. If or when we go again I am going to do some spearfishing.
 Gecko (I think)

 Self Explanatory
We tried to climb Diamond head with the boys. We didn't make it all the way to the top. Diamond Head is an old volcano where during WW 2 the military built bunkers and had artillery set up high. It's an interesting place to see. The downside of it is that it is close to Honolulu, so there are always tons of people there.
 Some Fish

 Auke Bay

After Hawaii we went to Juneau for the month of June. Kayla is in a masters program through UAS that is all online except for the one class. We lived in the dorms and spent a lot of time outside. We were prepared for rain and it rained nonstop the first week we were there. After that the clouds cleared and we had absolutely beautiful weather for the rest of the time. After Kayla would go to class Oren, Ryker, and I would head down the the mouth of Auke Creek and fish. Then we would go back and meet Kayla for lunch and then head back down to the ocean again. I actually didn't fish for a lot of the time that we were down there. Ryker was fearless of the water so I spent a lot of time corralling him from walking in over his head.
Dolly Varden

Swimming Hole

 Mendenhall Glacier

 Gastineau Channel from the Tram

 Tree Carving

 Glacier from Valley


 Bald Eagle

This picture of the Bald Eagle makes me appreciate those close up shots of eagles. At any given time I could look out the window from our dorm and see no less than 5 eagles. This was about the best photo I got.

 Isle Royale

 Best Brookie from Float


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