Sunday Drive

March 29, 2019

We had a beautiful day for an outing; the sky was clear and it was one of the first days that we could actually feel the heat of the sun.   We took a ride out to Brett's farthest trap for some fresh air and adventure.  

Oren and Anya ride with Brett, and Ryker rides behind me when we go out.  No matter how warm the air temperature is it gets cold when we are riding, so we bundle up.  I made each of the kids a new hat this year all from Brett's trapped furs.  Oren chose lynx, while Ryker and Anya chose marten.  Anya's ski pants aren't waterproof anymore, so I ordered her new ones, but in the meantime I used some waterproof fabric I had and sewed a piece onto the backside.  It certainly won't win any fashion contests, but made her ski pants effective for one more trip!  

We rode out to Brett's farthest trap, a wolverine set.  In these photos Brett and Oren are working on it.  Oren is right there learning every step of the way, never missing a chance to ask a question. 

Snack time!  Before we headed back we stopped for a little picnic and play time.  After all we've gotta keep this little girl happy, and I'm convinced she just comes for the snacks ;)  The snow was pretty deep and difficult to move around in, but there was clear, smooth ice in the creek that made the perfect play area.  The kids usually like to make a fire, but it was so nice out they kept busy sliding on the ice.

Ryker bringing snow to Anya to cool her hot chocolate

Oren is forever busy outdoors.  Here he is chopping some branches to make a little shelter while we played in the sun. 


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