Burbot Set Lines

 Each year around Thanksgiving time we make set lines for Burbot. We get 10' willow poles, 3/0 circle hooks, and 2' of 30# braid. Tie the line to the hook and the wide end of the willow. Make a hole in the ice and put the willow down the hole. 

Finished Set

Let it sit overnight and check it the next day. We have 4 set lines. #1, #2, #3, #4 (real original). #1 is in shallow water around 2'. #3 is the deepest line in 6' of water. #2 is between those and #4 is slightly downriver even with #2. 

First Catch

#1 has been our most successful line. One check we had 4 burbot with 1 on each line. We usually get 1 or 2 fish on each check but recently we have not caught anything. 

Ryker's Catch

We will keep up checks until right before Christmas and if the catch rates stay at nothing we will take them out until spring time.

The Bounty (From top left: Stomach and Intestines, they taste better than you would expect, liver, fillet x2, and belly fillet)

See lines in center frame (see piles of snow)


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