Camping on Repeat

I am pretty good at loading photos and letting them sit in the draft stage forever. I think this camping trip was from the end of March. Just a couple years ago winter camping was a big deal, but over time we've become more and more set up for it and now it seems that we can head out without much trouble at all. This winter most of that was attributed to leaving the tent set up. It was so convenient!!
1. Chilling in the "cook tent." With both the canvas wall tent and the arctic oven set up, we felt like we were living large with a cook tent and a sleep tent.
2. Marjaana's sleep system. How do you make sure your baby stays warm? She sleeps in her wool base layer and hat, Little Mo wearable sleeping bag, and Wiggy's baby bunting. I have her sleep on my cot with a caribou "qatchaq" underneath. (Dried caribou hide. It's amazing how much warmth sleeping on one adds!)
3. The stove is going when she falls asleep so she starts with less layers then I layer her up as the night progresses.
4. We keep meals pretty simple. The kids love some instant oatmeal.
5. Happy, happy camp baby
6. This trip out hte trails were set enough that we could hike on the snowmachine trails without sinking.
7. "just take the picture already"
8. The kids were excited to hike over to some "divingboard trees"
9. Marjaana just giggles when we walk through the trees.
10. Oren's jump
16. Ryker's jump.
22. Anya jumps too!
25. Dinner prep. I finally bought a propane grill to give some options for cooking. We were doing fine with the wood stove cooking, but this is much more convenient!
26. Our camp spot wasn't too far off the river, so we took a ride to try out some ice fishing. We didn't have too much luck but the boys each pulled in a few.
28. Marjaana is quite content outside
29. She fished with me for a bit
30. Anya was determined to catch a fish and was quite disappointed when she didn't catch one but the boys did.
34. Enjoying some dinner


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