Oh Christmas Tree. . .

Today was relatively warm (+5), so I went quluking (riding in a sled behind a snow machine)  with Alision and Kyle to hunt for a Christmas tree.  We had to wait until noon for it to be bright enough.   It was a bumpy ride, but adventurous.  I found a cute little tree that I could break off with my hand.  It is now making my apartment smell nice from its perch on my shelf in a jar :)
Today we had a traditional (white) Thanksgiving meal at Stan and Doris's.  Most of the teachers got together we ate (too much of course) and then sat around visiting for any hours.  It felt just like being at a Ryynanen/Markham Christmas with a few less kids ;)

Kyle chopping down their tree.
Kyle and Alision with their tree.
Showing off our wonderful trees.
My tree on its perch.


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