Finally, It is HERE

Finally, after 2 weeks of below zero weather, the snow is here!  #1 rule when you live in the arctic:  check out the window before you step outside.  I forgot this rule today and ran out the door in my low boots and regular pants, no snowpants.....BIG mistake.  We got over a foot of snow last night and I was soaked by the time I got to the school!

Alision and I all bundled up.
The kids were SO excited.  The 1st thing everyone said when they came into the room was, "Did you see the snow, teacher?"  (like I could miss it! haha)  They were also VERY excited that one of the cooks rode her "snow-go" to the school.  In middle of science someone drove by on a snowmobile and one of the boys jumped up, "LOOK!  Fred Sr is riding his snow-go!"  In an instant, WHOOSH, all 15 kids were at the window (1 is in a wheelchair from a broken leg), as if they haven't seen a snow-go before :)

Snowball fights already!  Notice how dark it is....this is at about 6:00 pm

Here is a picture from out of my window right after school got out today.  Notice the few trucks and "Hondas."

I stuck a few extra pictures on here.  This a sunrise from during our inservice.  Our presenter was from California and thought this sunrise was "SO BEAUTIFUL," so she asked someone to take a picture and send it to her.
Here is one of Alision as we were walking home on the "ice road" a few weeks ago.  It's a short cut we took to school that cut straight across the tundra.  I think this was a Friday, so we were leaving early (like 4), but notice how LIGHT it is!  We lose light very quickly.  It will be completely dark right around Christmas.


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