I finally started the Home Ec program this weekend.  I baked and decorated Christmas cookies this morning with the elementary students.   We started baking at 11:00 am, and all of the kids were rolling their eyes, because it was "So EARLY" haha. It was a lot of fun and some high schoolers came in to help.  After we decorated the cookies, the kids delivered them to elders.  

The sun was just rising above the mountains today at 1:36 (I will post a picture of what it looked like at this point as soon as I get one from Alision), then I looked out the window at 1:43 and it was already set!  December 22 is the shortest day and the sun will not even rise here.

Yesterday, a parent came in and we made and decorated gingerbread houses with the kids for the last hour of the day.  It was a great activity because the energy level is HIGH as Christmas Break is approaching, but they were occupied and QUIET and even working together.  It was WONDERFUL.  The day got even better then, because I went to the store and there was actually fresh fruit!!!!


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