Today in Reading something about snow days came up, so I was telling the kids that some schools in the UP had snow days because they had a huge storm.  (Background:  there are NO snow days here.  No matter what, we trudge through the snowdrifts.  No need to worry about cars going in the ditch here :)  Anyway, back to the snow day discussion.  They could not understand the idea of not going to school because of the weather.  I told them that the roads get covered and very unsafe, so the busses can't travel.  They asked, "Why can't they just ride their snow-gos?"
"Not everyone has snow-gos.  They drive cars most of the time."
"Well can't they just walk?"  they asked
I tried to explain, "No they can't walk, because some people live far away." 
"Well people that live down town (1 mile about) just get up earlier if they have to walk."
I tried hard not to laugh, "But some people live 10 or 20 miles away from their school?"
The kids laughed and laughed  :)

I also finally made it to the girls' practice today.  The coach asked if I would come in a couple of times to help out.   I am a little nervous, because I think I worked them a little too hard. . . oops.  We'll see if the girls still smile at me tomorrow :)


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