A Beautiful Sunny Day
Today was a bright beautiful day. When I woke up it was -36, but it warmed up to -26 in the afternoon. I want to take the kids out cross country skiing sometime soon, so I needed a little practice. Alision, Kyle, Lori, Mark, Doris, Stan, and I all went out from Stan and Doris's house on a little 2 mile loop.
Forging our own trail.
I always feel like a little kid every time I hop in the sled behind the snow machine.
My cozy ride with my frozen friend, "Lumpy"
Even though it felt nice and warm it was still -26, so the frost collects on anything remotely hairy. Check out Kyle's beard and Alision's eye lashes.
Stan and Doris live at the end of town. Their view. . . gorgeous.
The girls :) from left to right Me, Lori, Alision, Doris
Lori and Mark, Me, Alision, Doris
The beginning of our trek. We voted for starting out on the flat lake :)
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