A Beautiful Sunny Day

Today was a bright beautiful day.  When I woke up it was -36, but it warmed up to -26 in the afternoon.  I want to take the kids out cross country skiing sometime soon, so I needed a little practice.  Alision, Kyle, Lori, Mark, Doris, Stan, and I all went out from Stan and Doris's house on a little 2 mile loop.  
Forging our own trail.
I always feel like a little kid every time I hop in the sled behind the snow machine.  
My cozy ride with my frozen friend, "Lumpy"

Even though it felt nice and warm it was still -26, so the frost collects on anything remotely hairy. Check out Kyle's beard and Alision's eye lashes.

Stan and Doris live at the end of town.  Their view. . . gorgeous.

The girls :) from left to right Me, Lori, Alision, Doris
Lori and Mark, Me, Alision, Doris
These pictures are all out of order.  This was about midway through.... Alision, Doris, Stan, and Kyle.
The beginning of our trek.  We voted for starting out on the flat lake :)


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