It's Been A While

I am sorry it has been so long!  Let me recap the last few weeks:  I participated in the EJs City League basketball tournament, Brett came to visit, we had the regional Middle School Basketball Tournament, I signed my contract for next year, and now here we are at the first week of the fourth quarter.  

The kids had such a blast when Brett was here (so did I of course).  He came in to school to teach them hockey and they just loved it.  The comments they made the first day were pretty funny.  "I've never heard a guy with that deep of a voice."  "What's the boy barbie?"  "Ken?"  "Yeah.  Kayla's honey looks like him."  Haha!  (sorry, Brett it was too funny to keep secret)

The regional middle school basketball tournament was held in Kotzebue this year.  All of the girls, boys, and co-ed middle school teams were there, plus the 1A high school teams....250 players in all.  Talk about a lot of basketball.  We did get the first win of the season, which was pretty awesome :)  The girls really started to look like a team.  
Traveling to Kotzebue is a pretty big deal for these kids.  Kotzebue has a big AC store, so of course we walked there everyday.  There is also 3 restaurants in Kotz, and some of the kids ordered food everyday!  We were there Wednesday-Sunday.

The Iditarod started on Sunday and these kids are pretty excited about it.  We've been following the mushers daily.  We started our own "Iditaread" Race this weekend.  The kids read 15 minutes to get to each checkpoint and the first one to reach Nome wins. It's the first time I've seen any of them excited about reading!  

This might not be appropriate, but it's pretty funny:  Due to their diet, these kids pass gas quite frequently, and it is quite stinky.  Well, the kids were getting frustrated with not being able to breath after a fart, so they made a "Fart Spot" in the corner of the room.  If a student has to fart they get up and go to the Fart Spot.  The sign reads:  Fart Spot:  Caution!! Be Aware!  May be Stink!  Hazard!!! 
Haha...never a dull moment!

Quotes to live by:
As I was helping a student organize her writing, "Why do we always have to make sense when we write?"


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