April Fools

20 April fools pranks on a teacher by students. . . . 4 grey hairs
Laughing at 20 corny April fools jokes. . . . 1 hoarse voice
Teacher pranking 20 unsuspecting students. . . . PRICELESS

So after ALL morning of April Fools jokes and pranks from the kids, gym time rolled around (2:00).  The kids came in and did their laps then got ready for stretches.
"What are we doing today, teacher?" the kids kept asking.
"Laps today."
"No! What are we doing in for gym?"
Then I got an idea.  "Laps.  We're running the mile today."
Of course the complaining began. "Adii!  Mile.  Boring!"
We continued the stretches, as I reminded the students to stretch well so they we limber for the run.  Then I got all the kids lined up to begin the dreaded 25 laps around the gym, "Ready? 3. . . 2. . . 1. . . APRIL FOOLS."  Oh man, the faces were priceless :)   

Quotes to live by:
"Ms. Kayla what if you're making a mistake getting married?"
"What do you mean, making a mistake?"
"You know like on all those t.v. shows. . . they make a mistake the first time they get married."
"Well it's a good thing I am not on the t.v. shows, isn't it?"
"Yeah.  I guess those producers are pretty mean."

"Ms. Kayla, the first time I saw you I thought you were a girlie girl, but then I know you and you're more persony."
"What's persony?"
"You know, you say 'dude' and stuff."


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