Spring is in the Air

It's starting to feel like Spring!!!  
Saturday warmed up to the mid 30's so I went for a run down the snow-machine trail to the "pit" where they keep the boats in the summer.  It was a little slippery, but absolutely glorious!  It continued to warm up and Sunday was warmer yet.  I took the opportunity to run again, but the continuous warmth was disastrous for the trail.  It was a bit treacherous, but I made it out alive and only half wet :)  Today its up to 40!!!

The 2nd-5th graders had their "Lil' Dribblers" basketball tournament this weekend.  Teams came from Kivalina, Point Hope, and other nearby villages.  (Kids were EVERYWHERE!)  They had a blast, but there were so many games to play that they played until 1 am on Friday and 3 am on Saturday.  My students all came in with stories this morning.  
"Ms. Kayla I stole the ball 5 times from those big girls."
"I scored 14 points."
"I flicked from the white line."  ("flicked" is equivalent to "swished")
"Eileen buzzer."  (Meaning:  Eileen hit a shot at the buzzer)
One girl even fractured her elbow!!!


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