Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!  We just had a crazy week of weather.  After the cold, snow, and blizzards that Brett wrote about last week, it warmed up and RAINED.  The snow turned to mush, making the walk to and from school quite difficult.  We trudged through knee deep mush for 15-20 minutes.  Then the rain came and froze. So, the blizzard, then the rain had planes grounded for a few days.  All the sports events were cancelled last weekend, because no planes could get in.  People were stuck in Anchorage and Kotzebue, and, of course, all the mail got backed up.  I never quite appreciated how quickly mail comes to your house in the lower 48.  We have been waiting for a grocery order from Fred Meyer for weeks.  Our boxes are probably sitting in Kotzebue, just waiting for room on a flight.  Meanwhile, we have to try to improvise with what we have to make a dish for the "white Thanksgiving" on Friday.

If you were tuned in last year, you remember the new Thanksgiving experience I had at the village feast--frozen fish "cok," whale blubber "muktuk," seal oil. . . yum :) I am excited for Brett's first experience.  He's such a good sport that they'll love him, because he'll try everything. You'll be happy to know that we are continuing the tradition of a teacher's traditional white Thanksgiving on Friday.  We'll get our turkey fix!



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