Inupiaq Days

Thursday and Friday of this week were Inupiaq Days at the school. The entire school takes two whole days to participate in native cultural activities. Some of the activities that the elementary kids participated in were, story-telling, trapping and survival skills, NYO (native youth olympics), beading, Eskimo dancing, Inupiaq language, whale hunting video, braiding and doughnut making. The high school students participated in a few other things including, net setting (under the ice), Atikluk making (hoodie type shirt that is often decorative), mitten making, caribou/fish cutting, niksik making (jigging stick), and native cooking.
In the native olympics some of the games are high kick, finger pull, leg wrestling, wrist pull, and bull fighting.
I was put in charge of trailing the Kindergarten class around all day. It was pretty funny on recess when one of the students came up to me and said, "Percy boxed me in the face and look!" He had lost one of his teeth.
Another story from when I was in the 1st/2nd grade class room. One of the second grade girls was trying to work on class work and a 2nd grade boy was teasing her. After a few minutes of putting up with the teasing, the girl gave a deathly stare to the boy and said, "Oooooh I could just beat you up right now!" I laughed out loud.
In shop class earlier this year a chubby middle schooler asked, "Is today Friday?"
I replied, "No....It's Thursday"
And he says, "shoot," exactly like he might have had he been told that lunch was not being served that day. That had me chuckling for the better half of an hour.


  1. I love your little student stories.... also the pictures of the frost are beautiful!! I wish that Ketchikan had more cultural events.... the most they have is tourist attractions during the summer.... like native dances... and tours. :( oh well better than nothing I guess!


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