No Draining

Hmmm, What Toy Should I Play With Now?

For almost the past month here the "downtown" part of Noatak has been on limited or no draining. The power went out for a couple days and the pump at the lift station froze up. Then when the pump wasn't pumping the line from the lift station to the sewage lagoon froze up. They have been working on the line for the whole time it has been down, they just keep running into problems. First people kept draining to fast for the lift station to get drained out to work on the pump. We went almost that whole week with no draining. Finally they got the the lift station emptied and the pump fixed. Then the line to the sewage lagoon froze. We had limited draining for that week and a half. The sewage got pumped from the lift station into big totes and then hauled by snowmachine and sled to the lagoon. We were back to no draining for a couple more days and now it is limited draining again. Rumor has it there's some more guys coming tomorrow to help finally finish the job. Our fingers our crossed.

Thankfully we still have water. Some of the ways we improvise to provide a drain like atmosphere. I took the plumbing out from under the sink and replaced it with a five gallon bucket.
Under Sink

I bailed out the toilet water and replaced it with a garbage bag and some diapers for absorbancy. Pulled the washing machine out and put the drain into a tote.

The washing machine didn't work so well. As it turns out the washer uses somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty gallons of water, which is a real pain. We have been taking showers at the school, and at one of the other teachers house who lives uptown. They still have drain capabilities in uptown. When the buckets fill up I go dump them outside.

Washing machine

I went out fishing and check traps on Saturday. All my traps were empty. I am starting to fill in the line a little bit with more traps now. Hopefully just a matter of time. I caught exactly 10 trout. 5 in shallow water and 5 in deep water. It was another good day to be out.

Kayla showed Oren where the dishes are

Oren is really crawling around now. He's been going on his hands and knees for a while. Finally he just decided to take off and crawl. Now he can go everywhere. It was funny today when Kayla was calling for him in his room. He saw her go into the room so he started crawling over there, but instead of crawling over to and through the door he thought he might be able to take a shortcut through the wall. He bumped his head and then tried pushing at the wall. No brains no headaches. We got a good laugh.


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