Oren Adventures

New Goggles

Oren has really been crawling around now. He goes anywhere he can crawl, kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, bedrooms, and pantry. He has finally mastered the art of backing up, so now he doesn't really get stuck anywhere either, nice for all parties involved. Now we don't have to get him unstuck every thirty seconds.

New Toy

He is starting to pull himself up onto things too. The chairs in the kitchen and his little rocking seat are his favorites. He can pull himself up, but the whole concept of gravity isn't quite there yet.

Trying to Stand

He will just let go randomly. Most of the time he falls on his butt, but hes had a few face plants too. The morning time when I am getting ready he just follows me around crawling as fast as he can, and then complaining when I go somewhere else.


His favorite toys are anything but his toys, Kayla's school books, Cabela's fliers, the garbage can, pots, the mitten box, and shoes. I think he will have a blast when it warms up a little when his snowsuit gets here.

Garbage Toys

I didn't get out this past weekend. After our nice stretch of warm weather it dropped down to minus forty again. Oren wasn't feeling good and I got lazy. I did change the back shock on our snow machine. It finally gave out on us. That first caribou trip in the winter is probably what did it in. Three of my sets had lynx tracks up to and around them, just didn't get curious enough I guess. Frustrating though. Next time I get out I will probably remake them without the buckets, and see if that helps.


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