Thanksgiving Break

 Up on the Hills

We had some visitors for our Thanksgiving Break. Karl and Ingrid made the trip from Fairbanks. I was hoping that we would have snow so that we could get out and see some country, but no such luck. We went fishing on Thursday and Saturday, and on Friday we took a ride on the Kivalina trail to the first set of hills. I know I have said this before, but it is awesome to be able to gain some elevation. The tundra seems to last forever, providing a spectacular view of the surrounding country.

Wolf Tracks

On our ride on the Kivalina Trail was a lot smoother trail than I anticipated. We saw a couple set of wolf tracks close to town. The recoil rope broke on the green Honda when I tried to start it up after a pit stop. We had to tow it back to town.

 Moon Over Mountains

Fishing Thursday was slim pickings. We went to the spot below the pit again, but there wasn't much of anything going on there. You could see a few trout swimming around, and they just wouldn't bite. On Saturday we went across from town. Fishing on Saturday started out slow, but Ingrid ended up with seven. The action wasn't fast and furious, but it was steady. I was surprised to find that the river was not fully frozen over.


The Thanksgiving feast at the school was packed this year, standing room only. There wasn't a really wide range of Eskimo food at this feast. There was the usual frozen "coke" and seal oil. Every year it is easier and easier to eat the frozen fish. We also were served boiled whale meat, which I had never eaten before.

Couple Trout


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