Grandma and Grandpa Pietila Trip

My mom and dad finally got to visit Noatak! We had decent weather for most of their trip and they were able to get a taste of everything that we do in the fall time.

They got here on the Wednesday AM Raven flight. We had breakfast ready and then my trapping partner, Mike, stopped by to do some work on our door and ended up having coffee and visiting for a while. After lunch we went out to the end of the graves road and walked into the tundra to pick blueberries. The boys were not cooperative for berry picking, but we managed about a gallon between all of us. After berry picking we went down to the pit and went casting for salmon. The salmon were starting to get old there, but we got a couple that we brought home.  Dinner was barbecue moose ribs and then off to fly fish for grayling.

The grayling fly fishing is probably my favorite fishing to do. When the wind is calm there are fish rising everywhere, and it reminds me of catching sunfish off the dock at my grandma and grandpa Halonen's at Lake Sylvia. The weather was a little bit windy to be really good fishing, but my mom and dad both got a few grayling.

 Fighting a Grayling

 Got It!

 Dad with one on

 Slippery Buggers

Thursday we took the boat downriver below Ikpiks and set a net for salmon. The river is extremely shallow to make it to the pit and I knew it was going to make for an adventurous ride on the way back.
Taking Notes
Doris followed in their boat with Steve who used to live here and is back visiting. He hasn't driven on the river in a while, but he figured as long as he could follow me he should be good. We got a bit of a late start waiting for Ryker to wake up from his nap, but we got down there about 2 pm. We set the net out right away and built a fire for coffee. The first set had about 8 fish when we pulled it in so we set it again.
Picking Fish
Kayla and Doris showed my mom and dad how to cut salmon with Ulu, so they both got to try that out. Dinner was salmon and potatoes grilled over the fire.
 Using an Ulu

Fillet Knife
Kayla rode in Doris boat on the way back because I knew I was going to have trouble with the shallow spots. I made it through the first and second spots without hitting. Steve passed me on the second one because I lost planing speed and had to putter up to deeper water to get on step again. He decided to keep going and when we got up to the corner we saw them up on the bank. Kayla said they took the corner too fast and were not able to make the turn. Ended up on the beach. Luckily no one was hurt so we pushed them off and then made another run at it without any problems. Made for an adventurous outing though!

2nd half of the trip to be continued...


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