Part 2

 Oren's Trout

Friday was a rain day. We toured the school at bit and had a lazy morning/early afternoon. The weather cleared after dinner so we decided to go down to the pit for a bit and try our luck there. I was chuckling at Oren the whole time. Usually he doesn't have much patience for fishing. He might cast half a dozen times and even if he gets a fish he doesn't fish for much longer than that. On this evening he was just fishing away with grandma and grandpa. I put a KO wobbler on for him, so he could cast good and he is getting pretty good at casting it out there.


After a few casts he starts yelling, "I got one! Dad, I got one!" Sure enough he had a fish on. As he was reeling it up, I thought to myself, "That kinda looks like a trout!" Then it got off before I could tell for sure. A couple of cast later he had another fish on that looked like a trout. We got some salmon and that one trout that evening.

 Got a Salmon!

Saturday morning we went down to the pit for a while after breakfast. Shortly after we got there my mom hooked a fish that wasn't putting as much bend in the rod as a salmon. Sure enough, another trout!
Mom's Trout

That afternoon my mom and dad watched the boys while Kayla and I took a ride to pick berries. We walked off the road quite a ways and ended up picking for a solid hour and a half. We were both trying hard to get our buckets filled up, but neither of us quite got there. We were stopping to pick on the walk back out, not paying attention to our surroundings. Kayla stopped me short when I heard in a quiet voice, "Brett, look over there!" Realizing I had not really been paying attention and with heart beating a bit I turned around to see a porcupine waddling through the tundra. Kayla said it scared the crap out of her, thinking for a split second it was a bear cub before realizing what it was.


In the evening we took the Honda's across at the pit and headed out to old boat harbor to fish and see if we could see any wildlife. We left at about 8:30 pm and planned on staying out until 11 or 12. Pretty much as soon as we got there Oren started complaining that he was cold. He was dressed warmly so I was wondering what was up. I dug around for a lighter to see if we could maybe start a fire. I couldn't find one so I told Oren he was out of luck. He walked around for a bit and then went and sat on the Honda. Two minutes later he was sprawled across the back of it, snoring away. We hooked and landed a number of salmon that night. I tried my luck for trout for a while too. I caught a fish that I thought was a trout until I got it right up on shore and realized it was a Pink Salmon. Don't usually see too many of those, although they are around. We headed back at about 10:45. A good outing to end the trip.

Oren Snoozing

We had fun when my mom and dad were here. They got to experience a bit of everything. We picked berries on the tundra, went for a boat ride in some shallow water, set a net for fish, caught salmon, caught trout, and drove Honda's across to go fishing that way. I'm glad they got the chance to see and enjoy some of the things we do every fall.


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