Just Go

Yesterday was quite warm, but windy.  We were talking about going out for a little hike, but were having some difficulty coming to a decision.  Do we try to go out when it's this windy?  What is the trail going to be like?  Will Anya get to cold?  Brett went out around the corner to check what the wind was like, and I just smiled to myself, for I knew what his decision would be.  He has a philosophy which is basically, "Just go. Get outside, no matter what. Then you'll really appreciate the nice times." Sure enough when he came in he said something like, "Well, it's windy and probably won't be super enjoyable, but we will be in the trees."  That decided it.  We grabbed our parkas and fur hats and took off.  We headed for Brett and Oren's little trapping trail. They've been using it for a while, so there's a good packed down base and we don't need snowshoes to hike it.

The weather ended up being perfect.  The trees blocked the wind and it felt warm. There was a little snow accumulation on the trail after the storm, but it wasn't bad at all.  Last time we did this trail, we brought the sled to pull Anya, but she got nervous over the bumps and turns and cried to be carried.  This time we brought the backpack for her.  Of course she whined and cried to get down for most of the hike.  Ryker complained that the snow was too deep and he was tired.  Haha.  Oh, we were missing that sled.  Our kids' behavior might be like the weather; I can never tell how they will be until we are actually out there, but by powering through we all enjoy the fresh air.

It's always worth it ;)

 "I'm not racing."  
Ryker was asleep on the couch within an hour of being home.  

 "Get me out of here."  Anya likes her opinion to be heard!  Many of our outings go through her nap time, which might make her a little more irritable at times, but if we waited the sun would be gone (especially in the winter) and we wouldn't get out.  SO...we just power through and she gets an earlier bedtime.  It works and she LOVES it outside so it's good for her too ;) 

Oren trailed some rabbit tracks for a while.
Fire making practice and snack time.

We made it. Everyone is happy and maybe a little tired ;)


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