Quick Afternoon Fishing Trip

We planned to get out for a quick fishing trip after school yesterday.  We haven't been out fishing in quite some time (way too long in Oren's mind!) and the looming storm gave us even more incentive to get out ASAP.  Between Brett getting home from school and needing to get back to school for basketball practice, we only had about an hour on the ice, but it was perfect.  The boys had a chance to pull up a few trout and we all had fun.    

 Our big helper using the tuuq to chop through an old hole in the ice. 

Ryker scooping slush from the hole.

 Oren scraping suvaks (salmon eggs) into the hole.

 "I got one! I got one!"

 "I want my purple fishing pole."  
Sorry no purple ones, Princess, but you can use this!

"Yes I finally got one.  I got it good too!"
Guess what he made for lunch the next day?!

 "Say cheese, Fishie."  
He's definitely our goofy one!

 Nice quality family time ;)

"I need my Parki.  I need my hat.  Get my purple neck warmer.  My warm boots!"  This girl knows how to prepare to be outside!


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