Basketball is turning into a large commitment :) Imagine that. Next weekend we are flying to Kotzebue to play. We sponsored open gym this weekend on Friday and Saturday nights from 6:00-11:00. The kids pay $1 to come in a watch/play and adults pay $2. Most people were gone to the "Husky Shootout" a high school basketball tournament in Kotzebue, so the gym wasn't as packed as it usually is, but we did have enough for 4 games.
In between one of the games, I was talking to one of the older ladies there from the school. She told me, "You better start making babies as soon as you're married."
That threw me for a loop a little bit, "What?"
"Yeah make babies. If you don't want them, we will adopt them. We've been waiting for a girl and we would love a blue-eyed one." haha!!!
It must be on everyone's mind (it's such a big part of the culture) that even my students always ask, "How come you didn't make babies yet?" They were learning how to crochet in class and one of them made me a little yellow hat. I told her it wouldn't fit me and she said, "I know Teacher it's for if you ever make a baby."
Last night while I was walking home from the gym, there was the most beautiful Northern Lights. Of course by the time I got to my house with my camera they were gone, but it was just a huge rainbow across the sky. They were dull for a while, then they got a very brights green and faded out again. My camera probably wouldn't have been able to do it much justice anyway :)
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