Basketball Weekend

This weekend I took my middle school basketball team to Kotzebue for a couple of basketball games.    It was fun--the girls were SUPER excited.  In fact, we were picked up in a tiny little plane (called a Navajo) and all of our bags did not even fit!  They had to be sent on the next scheduled flight (the school charters planes for sporting events).
We didn't do well in the actual games, losing by 20 or more, but the girls' spirits were still high all weekend.  Barrow high school was playing Kotzebue high school and they were quite good.  The girls kept saying, "They're ballers Man!"  Their coach came to visit for a little bit Saturday night, and he was telling me he could never do my job (haha-yeah right...he took his team to state the last four years or something).  Then, he was asking the girls what the most important thing was in basketball, and they replies, "TEAMWORK!"
I was so proud, but that wasn't what he was looking for, "Yeah that's important, but what about for you, individually?  What's important for you to do?"
They replied, "Having Fun!"  
I was so proud!  They actually listen, but the funniest part was that wasn't even what the coach was looking for.  He wanted something similar to dribbling with both hands :) 

We walked down to the AC Store both Friday and Saturday so the girls could fill up on snacks during the day.  There is a restaurant in Kotz that delivers, so after our games the girls ordered take-out Chinese.  They were in their glory!


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