Man, this week is BUSY!!!  I am taking the middle school girls to Kotzebue on Friday for basketball games.  Yes, we travel in a tiny little plane-9 seats, so I take 8 players and myself.  We will not return to Noatak until Sunday.  Also this week, our 5th and 6th graders have their District Battle of the Books Battle.  One night a week I stay after school to read from a list of books and quiz the kids about their books.  Then we call in for the "battle" via phone conference.  The host asks questions about a book and the kids have 30 seconds to reply with the book title and author.  Tomorrow we are dismissing school at 1:30 for technology training.

The kids were excited about the census starting in Noorvik.  Noorvik is another village in the Northwest Arctic District, so many people have family members there.


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