Last Week Already!?!

Well, here we are:  the last week of school and I am still on my feet!  I can't believe it.  I was thinking back to a few of those weeks through the years, when I thought there was no way I could make it through the day, much less the week, month or year.  Now hear I am, 3 days to go!

I am trying very hard to keep the kids active this week, so we are working on some Hawaiian Research Projects.  Tomorrow we're having a Hawaiian Day and a Luau for lunch.  The kids are quite excited.  They put together some pretty nice Power Point presentations.  

After walking home from school today I decided I need a new jacket.  Mine is bright red, and, as I was walking home on the "low road," I kept hearing "HI KAYLA!!!!"  There were kids playing in the puddles and on the higher road, and a different group would yell every few steps.  I felt like a celebrity, but I think I will try to go a little more incognito(?) next year.

The weather has been pretty weird lately.  It was in the 40s for a week, then dropped back to winter, warmed up for a few days, and, since then, it has been dreary, chilly, and snowy.  It actually helps, because  now the kids aren't so antsy.  They don't feel bad sitting inside, instead of being outside hunting, fishing, playing, etc.  The sun is still up a lot, even if it's not peaking through the clouds.  I was up until midnight last night, because of the light coming in my window, then my eyes popped open in the morning and I thought I overslept because it was so light.. ..wrong it was only 6am!


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