Made It!
I officially survived my first year of teaching! Woo-hoo! The last day of school here is pretty cool. All year long there is a group called "Parent Incentive" that raises money. They buy prizes to raffle off at the end of the year. Each student gets a ticket for every week they are in school with no tardies or absences. They put all the tickets in a bucket and draw for prizes. They had everything from bicycles and camping supplies to bouncy balls. THey spent $4,000 on prizes. The drawing lasted all morning. Then, we had a picnic lunch on the floor of our classroom (since it was too cold to be outside) and dismissed the kids.
We had a work day on Saturday to get our classrooms ready for the summer. My cupboards are so organized I don't even recognize them. Our principal is retiring this year, so we had a nice potluck for him and took a break from the busy day, in typical Arctic fashion--eating, relaxing, and visiting.
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