A Few Photos

Daylight (before Christmas break)

This was as light as it got before we left home for Christmas. Oftentimes the ice fog pretty much blotted out the sun. The sunrise, sunset, and everything in between in about an hour and a half. The sun barely peeks over the horizon and then immediately begins its descent.

Hoar Frost

Trail to Kotz

Down on the River

Mountains through the Fog


It did in fact get cold like predicted. I was talking to the maintenance operator at the school and he said that he always likes when it gets cold so then he knows that the sea ice will be in good shape when it is time to hunt in the spring. If it doesn't get really cold then the ice doesn't freeze up really good and it gets dangerous. You can see in the pictures what they call ice fog. When it gets really cold and stays calm like it is the moisture just sits in a low cloud to about 30 or 40 feet off the groundIt is really hard to describe what -40 feels like. You don't really feel any difference between -10 and -40 on your skin on your face but you can feel it in your core. The difference between -10 and -40 is that you can feel the cold deep in your core just that much sooner.
There were ball games again this weekend. The HS and MS girls both had games. MS played host to Kotzebue and the HS hosted Unalakleet. Noatak won all of the games by pretty big margins.
Other than that there is not a whole lot new to report. Its cold.


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