It's Been A While

I have been trying to get on here for WEEKS with no luck.  It seems that every single moment of the day is used up.  We're back in the groove of things after a wonderful Christmas Break.  Basketball is taking up a lot of time.  Practice is every week night plus the weekends.  One thing you probably don't think of often is how kids in the "lower 48" can just get on a bus every Tuesday and Thursday, drive a short ways, play a game, and come home.  Here, of course, everything is done by plane, so all the games must be played on the weekends.  Fly out Friday, play Friday night, sleep in the school, play Saturday, fly back Saturday night or Sunday.  I am taking the girls to a tournament in Buckland next month.  We will be gone Thursday-Sunday.  I work with a great group of girls-they are fun, respectful, and hardworking.  They are 8-2 so far. 

I told the kids that we are expecting a baby this summer and they were hilarious.  They had so many questions and comments:
"Does that mean you and Brett did that inappropriate thing?"  I looked at her with my 'what did you just say' look, and she just replied, "I said inappropriate!"  

The next day I was beginning to raise my voice to get the kids to quiet down and a girl stood up.  "SHHH!  Everyone stop!  We can't stress her out.  My mom said stress is bad for the baby!"

I teach the younger kids for PE and they keep asking, "You're still making baby?" while patting my belly.

Also, I had so many people ask if we were having a boy and I couldn't figure it out.  Well, it turns out that my students were telling everyone that.  I asked them why they would spread a rumor like that and they said, "Well, because we know you are."  I told them that I didn't even know, so I know that they couldn't know.  "Yes we know.  You're getting chubby low in your belly, so that means you're having a boy."  As you can imagine that led into a long discussion about wives tales and spreading rumors.  

Everyone (my students along with friends from the community) are also very.... protective.  It's really funny.  They are all telling me what I'm not allowed to do and eat.  And our friend, the cook, Beeps, is always trying to make be eat.  She used to call me "Bug"  short for Kayla-bug, after her niece, but now she just yells "Mamma, come get your food."  "No, thanks, Beeps.  I'm really not hungry."  "EAT woman!" haha


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