Sick Day

I did something I usually never do--I took a sick day.  I was at the school yesterday, miserable with a head cold, so I got stuff ready for a sub for today and took the day off.  It was just what I needed-a day of REST, no work involved!  It's days like today that I am reminded about how truly lucky and blessed we were to end up here, in Noatak.  I got a call that got me out of bed at about 11:30 from a friend in town asking if she could bring me chicken noodle soup and lemon tea.  She stayed for about an hour and made sure I didn't need anything else before she left.  Then, at 3:00 I got another call.  This one from a guy who made an atikluk for me.  (Brett just dropped off the material this morning and he had it made up already!)   He came over to drop it off and then said, "I'll be right back."  He ran to his house and came back with a jar full of....something.  It looked a little suspicious; it was a thick cream but full of little green leaves.  It was his "home-made cold remedy," made from pine sap and needles that he boils together.  He said to wipe in on my throat and chest and it will take care of my cough.  How sweet, hey?


  1. PS It warmed up to +10 today!!!! That's at least a 50 degree difference from yesterday at this time.


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