
Looking Across the River Through the Snow

We got the first big storm of the year Wednesday night. Late start to school for students was nice even though teachers and aides had to work a full day. I was really rooting for a snow day until I found out that we would have made up the snow day on a Saturday, then...not so much. It was blowing like crazy when we woke up Wednesday morning. It felt really windy but I guess it wasn't like the wind was blowing really hard. I looked it up and it was something like 4o mph sustained with gusts up to 50. When there nothing but the open tundra to slow down the wind it really blows. There were some huge drifts blown up overnight. There is a drift by our house that is probably 8 feet high. On the way to school in the morning I was a little bit worried that it might be tough to find the school with all of the blowing snow. Visibility was about 30 feet. Once we got across the first lake we could see the big outside lights of the school so we just headed right toward them. It would have been pretty interesting if there had not been any lights to follow. We made it alright though. School wasn't canceled for the day but a lot of students stayed home. There were probably about forty students k-12, so it was a really lazy day. As we were leaving the school at the end of the day Kayla almost was blown over when we passed the edge of the school and stepped into the full force of the wind.

Random Puppy

I also have started up trapping again. I hadn't been keeping up with trapping for a while. I now have a pair of cross country skis that makes it a little easier to get out and check them in the snow. In the last couple of weeks I have caught four to add to make the combined yearly total to seven.
Couple of Skinned Foxes


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