These are some pictures of a house in town. When school was cancelled on Wednesday, one of the local teachers called me and said she would have to wait to get dug out before coming up to the school. Here's why:
Their front door.
A picture from outside their house
The livingroom window!
*photos taken from Velma's Facebook account :) Thanks Velma!
The week before Easter, Anya had some appointments scheduled in Anchorage. Around that time gas went up to 15.99 in town. Yep. That's not a typo. $15.99/gallon. Gas is still $5.50/gal in Kotzebue, so we decided we could drive to Kotz and the girls would hop on the jet while the boys filled drums of gas and drove back to town. Our friend is a trooper in Kotzebue so we were able to stop in there to warm up and regroup. Brett went out to get gas and NONE of the pumps were working! It was such a bummer. He didn't even have enough gas to get home, but thankfully we have such kind generous friends that had some jerry jugs he used to fill the machines. Of course Oren ended up driving my machine back and was an absolute champ. It took us about 3 1/2 hours to get down there and about that for them to get home too. The Borough was working on making an ice road from Kotz to Noatak. We heard they didn't make it past this tricky spot and stopped to check it out. (The oper...
I have a new respect for all officials. I think that every coach should have to officiate a game, just to realize how difficult it is. I had to referee volleyball games this weekend. That's just one clue to how laid back everything is up here :) The opposing coach was very loud and outspoken... she definitely made her complaints heard! It did get a little bit easier with the more games that went on. This was the only home weekend for the volleyball team, and on Friday the gym was packed. Everyone was early, just waiting for the game to start. Saturday was another story. The games began at 12:30 and at 12:15 the gym was still EMPTY. Everyone here really likes their sleep. Community members and students trickled in through out the first match, but there was still only about 1/5 the number of fans as the day before. They played two matches and a few more people came in for the 2nd. Another funny story about being laid back: with two minutes left of warm-ups, we still ...
"Good Morning." Not really appropriate, considering its 800 pm, but its the only greeting I know :) Guess what I get to (have to) do this weekend? REFEREE volleyball games!!! Only here would I even be thought of for that. In no way do I qualify, for I hardly know the rules! Apparently, last year Timm, the volleyball coach, had to ref because no one else knew how to. I guess better me than him... It's been around 10 degrees for the last week, but we still don't have snow! The frost on the tundra sure looks like snow, but its just thick frost. With the time change, the sun is setting at about 5 now, so it's quite dark by the time I walk home. One of the girls in my class hurt her knee last week and was on crutches for a while. Finally, today she came in without crutches, so I was talking with her about it and how excited I was to see her walking on her own. She replied, "I sure pray last night for my knee to get better and I wake up this morning and w...
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