New Hat

Snow Inside our Bedroom Window

I finally purchased up a sealskin and beaver hat that are common to the locals around here. I have wanted one for a while and then just the other day one of the ladies in the village was leaving our neighbors house and she asked me if I was interested in buying a hat. I asked what kind and then when I saw it I jumped at the chance.

Sealskin and Beaver Hat

I caught another fox in my traps yesterday. There were a lot of tracks around one of my sets that looked like they could be wolverine. Most of the tracks were hardly distinguishable because of the blowing snow but I could see some clearer tracks in the trees. They just circled around the trap that the fox was caught in. It must have investigated after the fox had been caught.

I was supposed to go pick our snowmachine up from Kotzebue this weekend. One of the other teachers was traveling down so I was going to fly down and then follow him back by snowmachine. But after the storms and the warm up there is all kind of dangerous overflow spots and they were warning people to not even travel to Kotz by snowmachine. Overflow happens on the rivers when the river is frozen to or almost to the bottom and causes ice damming. When it warms up the water takes the easiest path and that is usually on top of the ice. It is very dangerous because often times there is water over the ice but beneath a thin crust of snow so that it is almost impossible to detect with your eyes. Once the overflow happens the snow on top will insulate the water to keep it from freezing in even subzero temperatures.


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