On the RIver

 Out Fishing

We have been taking advantage of some beautiful weather to get out on the river. Last Monday we headed downriver to a spot to set a net for salmon. There were so many fish that we ended up being very selective when it came to cutting the fish. Phil was giggling the whole time.  He kept saying, "I can't wait to see John Koski!"

Setting the Net (floats are bobbing already!)

Oren Giving Directions to Doris

 Picking the Net

Ready to Cut
Eating Fish Eggs Like Blueberries

This past Friday we headed downriver to see if we could find any cranberries up on the tundra by Katourok Creek. There were hardly any berries but we walked a little ways out on the tundra anyways. After the tundra excursion we went back out to the main channel, and built a fire to cook steak and potatoes. Stan and Doris stopped by and had coffee a little while later.

 Getting Firewood

On Saturday Kayla, Oren, and I headed up the river for the evening. We roasted hot dogs, chummed for trout, and hiked around the riverbed. No trout showed up for the salmon eggs, although I thought I saw a big one right away when we got there. It was a nice little cruise. I have hit bottom a few more times now that the water is low, but it is very nice to be able to see that I am in fact going fast over deep water instead of just hoping. I was worried about running out of gas, so we headed in a earlier in case. We made it back just fine with a gallon to spare. I was just being paranoid

 Kayla Heating Up Nisu

 Oren Got a Chair for His Birthday

The reports on the caribou is that they are still pretty far upriver. Hopefully they come closer to town. I think this week I will try to get out a couple of times to see if I can fill my moose tag.

Typical Boating Form


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