This past week really flew by. On Tuesday evening three biologist from the Dept. of Fish and Game that did a presentation on their trout research. They are doing tagging studies on the Noatak and Wulik Rivers. Some of the Dollies that they have tagged in the Noatak and Wulik have shown up as far away as Russia.
I took them out on Wednesday evening to seine for trout. We didn't catch anything in the couple of spots that we seined in. We also tried rod and reel at the gravel bar hotspot, but we only got salmon there.
Saturday neighbor Kyle and Caleb and I went on a moosehunt. I thought my tag expired on the 22nd (which was Saturday). I checked the regs quickly before we were heading out and I realized that my tag had already expired on Thursday. So much for me shooting a moose. Caleb had a tag and one of the other teachers had a tag that he said we could use if we got one. We started out drifting a side channel to the main river. We stopped and called a couple of times, and walked in a few spots. One of the spots we stopped at had wolf and bear tracks all over, probably no moose there. It was raining, per usual this year, but we stopped and built a fire anyway. We roasted hot dogs and had coffee. After the dogs and coffee we resumed the hunt. A little ways farther downriver we ran into a few people from town getting salmon. It looked like they had a lot of colored ones, but there were some with good meat still too. After we passed the group we headed up a little back slough. I had just killed the motor when I looked up and saw a nice big bull trotting into the trees. Caleb called a couple times to try to stop it for a shot, but it was about 300 yards away and it didn't stop moving. I started the motor back up and got close to where the moose went into the trees. We followed its tracks a little ways into the willows. It was hard to see more that about 20 yards though. After trying to find it in the trees we went out onto the river bed and tried to spot it from there, but there was nothing. We hung around for a little while.
After this slough we tried another little creek. We didn't see any animals but there was a lot of beaver sign in this area. Might be a good place to trap. We stopped and got out at our turnaround spot and there happened to be a trail of trail marker tags. We followed them for a couple hundred yards but they didn't bring us to anything. It was kind of funny to find those pretty much in the middle of nowhere.
The caribou still haven't been close to town. Hopefully they will get a little closer before the river freezes up.


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