
The water level is finally dropping, and we have been able to get into some fish. Phil caught a beautiful 27"  dolly. The trout (or dolly varden) haven't been nearly as thick as they were last year when Russ and Phil were out here, but they are bigger.

 Little Sleepy

I have been getting a little better knowing the river, but we still go slow through the tricky spots. My nice, new looking prop didn't make it a day before I dinged it up.

 Going Boating

Today we went out to the hotspot gravel bar. We put in a long day fishing for trout, whitefish, and salmon. We brought back about 30 whitefish, 7 trout, and a few of the fresher salmon.


 Trout and Whitefish

 Salmon Bug

Trout and Whitefish

We saw a couple of bears across the river from where we were fishing. Phil and Russ were both a little jumpy after that. Phil said he was hoping to see a bear in a non dangerous situation. He got his wish. There were two of them, and they were about 400 hundred yards away across the river. Shortly after the bears disappeared into the trees Phil and Russ loaded all the fish up into the boat, just in case we had to make a quick getaway.

Cooking Fish Heads


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